Simon Schrijver
My name is Simon ‘Peter’ Schrijver. My official name is Simon, as it is the first name in the passport. People back home in the Netherlands also call mer Peter, as it is my middle name.
I’m a very experienced all-round tester, who has worked since 1997 as tester, test coordinator and test manager. I have many years of experience using Session Based Test Management (SBTM) as a test approach. Since 2005, I work as an independent consultant. I visit annually at least two conferences and two training sessions to keep my knowledge up to date and where necessary, broaden/deepen my knowledge. The last years, you can be seen as a speaker. I’ve spoken at several major conferences in different parts of the world.
I’m also an active member of TestNet and (co-founder) of the Dutch Exploratory Workshop on Testing. In these communities of enthusiastic testers I’m active with peers and discuss with them about the testing profession to keep up to date and improve ourselves.