Ligia Zotini
Ligia Zotini is a Researcher and Future Thinker, founder of Voicers, 3x TEDx Speaker, With 20 years in the Technology Industry and 20 years in Education, being a Master in Global Talent Management from PUC/SP with extended researches at Wuhan University
She has developed impact projects in India 2009, working for Friends of World Women Bank and in New York 2012, working at IBM’s headquarters, 2016 Educational Mission at Silicon Valley exchanging knowledge at Minerva University, Singularity University, Standford, 2018 lead digital transformation projects at Bank of Colombia.
In 2022 she was recognized by HSM Magazine as one of the 5 relevant futurists from Brazil, invited to design future scenarios for the next 25 years at 25th anniversary edition
Currently, she promotes future experiences through lectures, workshops, training and festival curatorship, focused on New Technologies, New Humans and New Ecosystems projecting Healthy Future Scenario