Kemal Bajramovic
Kemal is an ICT project manager working at Civil Service Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a Head of Information Technology Group. He has more than 12 years of experience in successfully initiating and implementing information systems in public administration development projects as well as building capacities for e-Government and Agile project management and software development. He has experience in working on projects with European Commission, GIZ, USAID, AECID and other international and local organizations and institutions.
Kemal is also a Co-founder of Bosnia Agile, association whose main goal is promotion of lean and agile principles and methods of project management and software development. He is a passionate Bosnia Agile Scrum trainer focusing on both the private sector IT SMEs and public organizations interested in agile project management and information systems development.
He has more than 10 years of experience inlecturing on Agile/Scrum, e-Procurement, Public sector ICT procurements ande-Government, both in academia and professionals’ seminars and conferences. He is Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM), CertifiedScrum Product Owner® (CSPO) and ProfessionalScrum Product Owner™ (PSPO).