Dr. Mohamed Salama
Mohamed is currently the Director of Corporate Executive Relations and the former Associate Head of the School of Social Sciences (formerly known as Management and Languages), Heriot Watt University, Dubai Campus. In addition, he has been the Programme Director for two Masters Programmes; MSc in Strategic Project Management since 2006 and recently MSc in Operations Management at Dubai Campus. He is currently a member of Dubai Campus Academic Council and the University Quality and standards Committee. Dr. Salama has 30 years of academic and industrial experience in Project Management, Marketing, Strategy and Mergers & Acquisitions. Mohamed has taken senior management posts in Construction Management, Marketing and Mergers & Acquisitions in ME, Italy and UK over the period 1990 – 2002. He completed BSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering from Cairo University, an MBA from Edinburgh Business School and a PhD in Construction Management from the School of Built Environment, Heriot Watt University.
Mohamed has been delivering training workshops for executives over the past decade in the UK, Middle East, and Denmark. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HE) in Scotland and a member of the Project Management Institute PMI (USA), The Chartered Management Institute (CMI-UK), and The Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) in the UK.
Mohamed has 15 years of teaching Project Management, operations Management, Strategy, Research Methods and Negotiation in The School of Management, The School of Built Environment and The Business School in Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh. He is interested in conducting research in the areas of Project Management, Sustainability, Strategy and Higher Education. His latest textbook “Project Management” published in 2016 is the core textbook for teaching undergraduate Project Management courses at Heriot Watt University across all campuses and among global partners in over 17 countries.