Bas Vodde
Bas Vodde is a coach, programmer, trainer, and author related to modern agile and lean product development. He is the creator of the less.works for scaling agile development. He coaches organizations on three levels: organizational, team, individual/technical practices. He has trained thousands of people in software development, Scrum, and modern agile practices for over a decade.
He is the author of Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS and Practices for Large-Scale Agile and Lean Development, all together with Craig Larman.
Bas works for Odd-e, a company which supports organizations in improving their product development, mostly in Asia.
Bas currently lives in Singapore where he ended up after living in Holland (born), China and Finland. He worked in start-ups and in very traditional environments. This last uncomfortable experience convinced him that agile and lean development is a more human way of developing software products — no matter how large your development is.
He had the opportunity to introduce Agile Development (particularly Scrum) in Nokia Networks (formally NSN) but had to move to Helsinki. There he watched dozens of product groups adopt scrum and other agile practices. The extreme cold in Finland forced him to migrate south and back to China where he focused on one large product group and its Scrum adoption.
Bas is interested in Scrum with a special focus on large companies and large product development. But he also enjoyed working on technical practices, especially test-driven development (particularly in embedded environments) and continuous integration. He keeps working as a developer because he strongly believes you need a well-factored code base if you want to be fast and flexible. His hobbies are studies in lean production and quality management and, of course, programming.