Lean and Agile ME Summit 2018

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Short delivery cycles, highly productive teams, fun environment, right products and happy customers – not to forget exponential gains. It is not just Silicon Valley that can deliver Agile solutions, every Middle East valley can too!

Lean and Agile Middle East (Agile ME) and Heriot-Watt University Dubai (HWUD) are organizing the fourth annual conference – Lean and Agile Middle East Summit 2018 to be held on March 10th, 2018 at Hilton Dubai Jumeirah Resort in Dubai, UAE.  This is a one-day event with three parallel tracks of talks, interactive workshops and keynote speeches.  We are excited to announce that Arie van Bennekum, is one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto and an expert in the area of Agile Project Management, team facilitation, Agile techniques and user involvement. For him, Agile is a universal interaction concept based on 10 interaction rituals that can be applied in every professional domain.

Being a community-driven organization, Agile ME looks forward to the community for sponsorship and support. Together we are building Lean and Agile communities in the Middle East.


You can earn professional development units (PDUs) from the Project Management Institute or Scrum education units (SEUs) from the Scrum Alliance when you attend the Lean and Agile ME Summit 2018. One more reason to register!

Ways to earn SEUs for Scrum Alliance

Ways to earn PDUs for Project Management Institute

08:00 - 09:00
Welcome from Lean and Agile Middle East and Heriot-Watt University Dubai
09:00 - 09:15
Speaker Pitches - Each speaker gets 30 seconds to tell the audience why they need to attend their session
09:15 - 09:30
  • Arie van Bennekum
The complexity in the simplicity of Agile by Arie van Bennekum
09:30 - 10:15

Looking at Agile, it is so simple. In fact Agile is just structured common sense. Still so many people struggle to get their success in Agile. What is going on? The point is Agile, with all its simplicity, is based on different paradigms and the old paradigms hinder. The question is, can you identify thew old paradigms and furthermore, how do you change them. Arie van Bennekum will take you in his talk on his 22 years Agile journey and share his experience, successes, his delta’s and IATM, the Integrated Agile Transformation Model he developed for Agile transformations. IATM is a successful Agile change process to (the next level of) Agile he and his teams use doing international Agile transformations.

Agile Manifesto Co-Author
Break and Networking
10:15 - 10:30
  • Bas Vodde
The Story of LeSS by Bas Vodde
10:30 - 11:15

This talk is based on story-telling, where Bas will share the creation of LeSS and within that side-track on explaining better how LeSS works. Expect most of the session to be in story format and not in typical introduction to X format. LeSS is a lightweight (agile) framework for scaling Scrum to more than one team. It was extracted out of the experiences of Bas Vodde and Craig Larman while Scaling Agile development in many different types of companies, products and industries over the last ten years. There are several case studies available and an book describing LeSS in detail. LeSS consists of the LeSS Principles, the Framework, the Guides and a set of experiments. The LeSS framework is divided into two frameworks: basic LeSS for 2-8 teams and LeSS Huge for 8+ teams. All of these are also available on the less.works website. LeSS is different with other scaling frameworks in the sense that it provides a very minimalistic framework that enables empiricism on a large-scale which enables the teams and organization to inspect-adapt their implementation based on their experiences and context. LeSS is based on the idea that providing too much rules, roles, artifacts and asking the organization to tailor it down is a fundamentally flawed approach and instead scaling frameworks should be minimalistic and allowing organizations to fill them in. Learning Outcomes: • See why experimenting is a key to improvement • Learning the difference between component and feature teams. • Understanding the difficult problem of owning vs renting processes • Understand the LeSS Frameworks and the LeSS 'complete' picture • Seeing why organizational complexity - added roles, processes and artifact - is harmful for agility.

Creator of the LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) framework
  • Feras EL HAJJAR
Agile & DevOps on top of Jira by Feras El Hajjar
11:15 - 12:00

How to build a culture of agility and collaboration between teams that historically functioned in relative silos: Software Development & IT Operations. Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Bamboo & HipChat a full suite together to a firm handshake between Development and Operations that emphasizes a shift in mindset, better collaboration, and tighter integration. It unites agile, continuous delivery, automation, and much more, to help development and operations teams be more efficient, innovate faster, and deliver higher value to businesses and customers.

Infosysta CEO & Co-Founder
  • Mirza Asfaar Baig
  • Arie van Bennekum
Agile Transformation: The Human Side (M) by Mirza Baig and Arie van Bennekum
11:15 - 12:00

Agile, Transformation and Humans - these are three distinct dimensions. This talk revolves around the central theme "When people don't have the right mindset, tools don't make you agile". In agile, humans are put at the centre and so does in agile transformation. Agile Transformation guides us to adopt a certain mindset that is nurtured during transformation. It advocates new approach to interactions, collaboration and behaviors within teams, as well as, among stakeholders. These factors have strong human side to them on an individual level, team level, organization level and eco-system level. It is a paradigm shift! This talk will be delivered with the scaffolding of "Integrated Agile Transformation Model" to put talk in perspective. This talk is for executives, agile coaches, transformation consultants and any professional who is leading and is part of Agile Transformation.

Agile & Digital Transformation Consultant
Agile Manifesto Co-Author
Lunch and Networking
12:00 - 13:15
  • Zuzi Sochova
Great ScrumMaster by Zuzana 'Zuzi' Šochová
13:15 - 14:00

Great ScrumMasters are rare. If you have one in your company, you have greater chance to be successful. Regrettably the role of ScrumMaster is underestimated in most of the organizations, but without great ScrumMaster your team will never "shine" or in other words be efficient, high-performing, self-organized, or proactive. Let's have a look at this role and see how great ScrumMaster works and how he/she helps the company to be more successful. It's not an easy job where for the ScrumMaster it is essential to learn several different concepts concerning team theory, system thinking, and coaching. The talk is based on concepts described in my new book The Great ScrumMaster - #ScrumMasterWay.

Agile Coach and Trainer
  • Amr Noaman
Workshop: Innovation Management using the Lean Canvas (M) by Amr Noaman
13:15 - 14:30

The Lean Canvas is a great tool for rapid identification and creation of startups ideas. When it is used in an iterative and incremental approach, the lean canvas becomes an excellent vehicle for innovation management. In this interactive workshop, we will explore the lean canvas as an innovation management tool. Attendees will be introduced to the key ideas in the canvas and how to use it to generate and judge innovation ideas. They will iterate through multiple versions of the canvas and will use rapid prototyping techniques to validate the riskiest assumption(s) in their startup idea. We will get out of the room, find customers everywhere and learn and validate assumptions every 10 minutes!

Co-founder & Principal Consultant at Agile Academy
  • Noureddin Omar
Agile BIM Development Management Approach (M) by Noureddin Omar
13:15 - 13:40

Construction industry management approach is facing problems with the reaction to changes during project period. Researchers over the time develop a new management system to start adopting changes and providing proper reactions to it. Agile project management left a positive and effective print in software and manufacturing industries. In this research Agile will be considered as management method to be applied in construction industry. Moreover, over the technology revelation, construction industry started to apply and develop better method of 3D and 4D modelling called BIM “Building Information Modelling”. It is not only a program but also a method that adopt changes and provide better results to the management and construction team during project period. In this paper Agile application and BIM will be discussed in construction industry. This paper will focus on “How to enhance agile application in construction project using building information modelling.” Actually, in this paper Agile and BIM will merge to identify the project with maximum value in processes that aim to eliminate wastes, minimize errors, adopts changes, innovations through human, market analysis, more liability, more integrity, minimizing rework, involving customer and relay on agility methods.

Principal Project Manager
  • Talal Shaikh
Collaborative Agile Development in Virtual Reality (M) by Talal Shaikh
13:40 - 14:10

The Application of agile software development process to engineering software projects has shown good progress over the years. However, in a globally connected world having an entire team working on developing the software from one location does not typically happen. Agile techniques and processes are successful when teams are co-located. This project tries to find a solution to this problem by using virtual reality to fill the gap between remote located teams and fast paced development environment. This provides an immersive feeling of being in office with colleagues even if the participants are not in same room physically. This can greatly improve the collaborative work. A Virtual Reality (VR) environment is developed for the team members to interact in. We used Oculus DK2 as the headset and Leap Motion to interact within that world. We have explored Implementation of pair programming. The VR application developed has a browser which can be interacted with VR controls. The browser syncs itself across all windows and users. When this feature of browser is used with cloud services, it helps to provide a screen sharing without actually sharing the screen. This application features a board where people can come and discuss meeting agenda. The participants in the meeting can walk to different virtual rooms. The participants can go to virtual outdoors from the virtual office. The application works with both VR headset and without VR headset. This application was tested among few students to get the feedback. The programmers reported that this application could really improve communication.

Assistant Professor
  • Sara Berrada
Agile Methodology Vs. Others (M) by Sara Berrada
14:10 - 14:30

I will compare and contrast the agile methodology for project management with the strategic, traditional and extreme project management methods. Furthermore, I will criticize and analyze the efficiency implementation of these ways in different industries and projects nowadays. Also, I will present the different requirements needed for each methodology to adopt it successfully. Finally, I will present some project examples, failure and success, of these methods to open the door for discussion.

Master student
  • Andrew Schumer
Agile Technologies are SMART Technologies by Andrew Schumer
14:00 - 14:30

Smart technologies fuel the conversation around smart cities, “blockchain and AI" in particular, however when building the city of the future, we need to to focus on what smart cities truly are, and what makes them smart. To do this we must not lose ourselves in technology debates, rather we should focus on working the issues with the client directly. This Agile method puts the users first and ensures that you can quickly create, develop and deploy value. My presentation argues that if you don’t follow this technique you are wasting the potential of making smarter decisions. Smart being defined as learning from what you are doing and improving it accordingly, continuously. These complex technologies have to focus on the principles of modern agile to truly achieve smart solutions and propel us forward. How we build our teams and products, reflects our impact in the market, or more specifically Conways Law proves to be the solution to this challenge.

Chief Business Officer
Break and Networking
14:30 - 14:45
  • Pierre Hervouet
Heart Of Agile (I) by Pierre Hervouet
14:45 - 15:30

Agile has become mainstream in the IT industry, since that the multiplication of Agile practices which makes Agile implementation complex and uncertain, we have started to see failure in Agile implementations. During this presentation we will start a simplification process by going back to the source of Agile, understand what Agile is and what it is not. We will discover what is the Heart of Agile, its essence, and how it embraces management Reference: Agile Manifesto, Heart of Agile blogs Alistair Cockburn, plus historical information about Agile mouvement

Agile Catalyst - Agile Lebanon & Agile ME Founder
  • Dr. Mohamed Salama
  • Hind Zantout
Panel Discussion
14:45 - 15:30

Agile and Business Analysis (Girvan, L., Paul, D.) was published in 2017 by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT. This book will be reviewed by two academics (Hind Zantout and Mohammad Hamdan) and the key strengths and weaknesses presented. It is anticipated that a reviewer from industry will join the presenters and contribute the view from industry.

Chair of Academic Track
Director of Postgraduate Studies
  • Nermina Durmic
Workshop: User Story Mapping (M) by Nermina Durmic
14:45 - 16:15

An interactive session to create a user story map, a powerful visualization tool that helps define the product, specify the core product features, and organize value driven releases. Attendees will have a chance to learn how whole team can participate in discovering what is the right thing to build.

Product Owner
  • Tolga Kombak
  • Enis Özer
From 0 To 100: Coaching 100+ Teams in an Agile Transformation (M) by Tolga Kombak and Enis Özer
15:30 - 16:15

Agile Transformation is a long journey and happens in a long time span. Throughout this time span you need to train, start Sprinting and coach new Scrum teams on their very first Sprints. In this speech we are going to present a case study of one of the Turkey’s biggest banks, where all IT transformed from a waterfall world to a final 113 Scrum teams of Agile IT organization in a total of only 8 months. We had vast experience in the field from training to coaching, from yearly master planning to monthly focus called “The Spotlight", from cultivating new internal Agile coaches to empowering Scrum Masters and Product Owners, from fostering Scrum Masters and Product Owners community to having internal Agile events. In this speech you’ll learn the milestones we had and along with that how number of teams affected and urged us to create some coaching tools we’ve created and implemented.

Managing Partner
Agile Coach
  • Rasmus Runberg
Agile That Matters (M) by Rasmus Runberg
15:30 - 16:15

Agile can be so much more than just a process we follow blindly in order to “certify” ourselves as being fully agile – it’s a mindset and a culture, and utilized and empowered the right way we can gain value as individuals in our every day of work, even beyond working with IT, projects and iterations. In this session, I will talk about the true power behind the Modern Agile mindset, and share how this new approach to agility can help uncovering better ways of getting awesome results.

Break and Networking
16:15 - 16:30
  • Alexandre Cuva
Professional Developer (M) by Alexandre Cuva
16:30 - 17:15

Robert Martin in his book "The Clean Coder" mention about the "Professional Developer," later Sandro Mancuso repeat it in his book Software Craftsmanship. On the several Agile Transformation I coach around the world, I saw the same problem, the process is applied, but the developers continue to work the same way. It is even worse; some company expects process improvement without a new Developer mindset. In December 2008 the Software Craftsmanship manifesto was written. Since then several companies were created around the Software Craftsmanship communities. I will present you what it is about and what are the tools I used to promote Software Craftsmanship in my company and during my coaching missions around the world from Europe to Asia. This presentation is for the developers to become better, but also to the executive that wants to build a better company with excellent software developers than just basic one who at the end will cost more.

Agile Coach & Trainer
  • Matthew Philip
The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop (M) by Matthew Philip
16:30 - 17:00

Though the standard agile feedback loops -- product demo, team retrospective and automated tests — provide valuable awareness of health and fitness, many teams and their stakeholders struggle to find a reliable way to understand an important area of feedback, including their level of agility: the fitness of their service delivery. This session introduces the service-delivery review as the forum for this feedback. Participants will learn the basics of how to conduct a service-delivery review and the benefits, as well as typical fitness metrics. The context will be for software-delivery teams but the lessons will be applicable for any team, group or department that provides a service.

Organizational Leader & Coach
  • John Barratt
  • Rickard Jones
Workshop: Coaching Product Ownership to Unleash Innovation (A) by John Barrett and Rickard Jones
16:30 - 18:00

Ever struggled to create a long term Vision for a Product? Using some real examples from the participants we will break into smaller groups and start with some visualisation exercises before moving into the dreaming state looking at what the worst and best case for the future of the product could be and what supports these dreams. After this we will start drilling down working into the MVP for the high vision before creating the high level epics to support the dream By the end of this workshop you will have learnt: • A number of coaching tools you can experiment with in your own Organisation • The power of dreaming and visualisation when thinking about the future vision of a product • How to break down a future vision into a tangible MVP and the Epics to support it The tools we shall present are proven approaches based upon Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC)

Coach who loves Agile and ORSC
Agile Coach
  • Wajih Aslam
Continuous improvement through popcorn flow (M) by Wajih Aslam
17:00 - 17:30

The world is keep changing that's why as an organization or as a professional we need to make sure that our internal rate of change is competing with the change happening outside the world. That's the only way we can be innovative and stay ahead of the competition. A step towards change can impact positively or impact negatively to our goals but each step can be a major learning towards our journey of continuous improvement. Popcorn flow establish a continuous flow of small, traceable, co-created, explicit change experiments which can be performed by individuals and the teams to manage and visualize the continuous improvement of the organisation.

Agile Coach
  • Simon Schrijver
Pair programming? Pair testing? Working together with the developers (M) by Simon Schrijver
17:15 - 18:00

In my scrum team, as a tester, I'm responsible for the test work to be done. Most of that test work is done manually. We need to automate those test cases. But, when? And how? The developers and and the tester can do a lot together. Some times we test together. Some times we program together. Some times I'm on my own, testing or creating/writing automation scripts. In my talk I will share my experiences what I'm doing with my developer colleagues. From the moment we start development on the feature (Epic or user story) up until we ship it. We explore, build and test the feature. Based on that we create scripts for automation on various levels. From unit test level up until end to end testing. Take aways from this session are: - How to work together with your developer(s) - Motivate your stakeholders to work this way - Give tester a way to participate in coding and learn from the experience - Provide Agile coaches a way how to set up automation in a scrum team

Software Development Engineer in Test
  • Fariz Saračević
Agile Development – Why requirements matter (M) by Fariz Saracevic
17:30 - 18:00

The clear benefits of agile development is a better collaboration, incremental delivery, early error detection and the elimination of unnecessary work—have made it the default approach for many teams. Some developers have questioned whether requirements fall into the category of unnecessary work, and can be cut down or even completely eliminated. Meanwhile, teams developing complex products, systems and regulated IT continue to have requirements-driven legacy processes. So how does requirements management fit in an agile world? This meetup will take a look at requirements management and how it can bring significant value to agile development in regulated IT and complex product development projects, and sets out the characteristics of an effective requirements management approach in an agile environment.

Senior Offering Manager, IBM
Retrospective and Closing Ceremony from Lean and Agile ME
18:00 - 18:30
Dr. Mohamed Salama

Dr. Mohamed Salama

Chair of Academic Track
Enis Özer

Enis Özer

Agile Coach
Rickard Jones

Rickard Jones

Agile Coach
Fariz Saračević

Fariz Saračević

Senior Offering Manager, IBM
Sara Berrada

Sara Berrada

Master student


Infosysta CEO & Co-Founder
Simon Schrijver

Simon Schrijver

Software Development Engineer in Test
Hind Zantout

Hind Zantout

Director of Postgraduate Studies
Talal Shaikh

Talal Shaikh

Assistant Professor
John Barratt

John Barratt

Coach who loves Agile and ORSC
Tolga Kombak

Tolga Kombak

Managing Partner
Alexandre Cuva

Alexandre Cuva

Agile Coach & Trainer
Matthew Philip

Matthew Philip

Organizational Leader & Coach
Wajih Aslam

Wajih Aslam

Agile Coach
Amr Noaman

Amr Noaman

Co-founder & Principal Consultant at Agile Academy
Mirza Asfaar Baig

Mirza Asfaar Baig

Agile & Digital Transformation Consultant
Zuzi Sochova

Zuzi Sochova

Agile Coach and Trainer
Andrew Schumer

Andrew Schumer

Chief Business Officer
Nermina Durmic

Nermina Durmic

Product Owner
Arie van Bennekum

Arie van Bennekum

Agile Manifesto Co-Author
Noureddin Omar

Noureddin Omar

Principal Project Manager
Bas Vodde

Bas Vodde

Creator of the LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) framework
Pierre Hervouet

Pierre Hervouet

Agile Catalyst - Agile Lebanon & Agile ME Founder

Event Detail

March 10, 2018 9:00 am
March 10, 2018 6:30 pm
Almas 1, 2 & 3
Hilton Dubai Jumeirah Resort, Dubai, UAE


Lean and Agile Middle East
A community organization founded by a group of Agile enthusiasts to promote Lean, Agile development principles and practices in the Middle East.


Gold sponsor
Silver sponsor
Bronze sponsor
Media partners
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